Frequently Asked Questions

How do I access services and supports?

An individual or someone on his or her behalf may make a request for supports and services by approaching Community Living Renfrew County South. A request for supports and services form is completed with a Manager and submitted to Inclusion Renfrew County, the central access point for developmental services in the County. The length of wait is dependent on the availability of resources.

Can Community Living Renfrew County South help me complete forms for financial support?

Community Living Renfrew County South Managers are knowledgeable about the Ontario Disability Support Program, Special Services at Home Program, as well as other opportunities that are available to assist individuals and family members with these needs.

Does Community Living Renfrew County South support children services?

Family and Children’s Services of Renfrew County are funded to support children and youth. Managers can direct families to the appropriate people. However, Community Living Renfrew County South may assist with summer supports for children and youth (see Child, Youth & Family supports).

Does Community Living Renfrew County South provide housing?

Community Living Renfrew County South is not a housing provider. Staff will assist people with a developmental disability to complete the necessary documentation to apply for subsidized housing.

Is there a cost for services?

There is no charge for supports or services. Community Living Renfrew County South receives funding from the Ministry of Community and Social Services, fundraises and welcomes donations that support operations. In the absence of funding, there are programs with a user fee.